The irony of knowledge

The problem with the influencer culture that we have built is that it creates a negative chatter that makes us feel bad about ourselves. But that feeling is not a representation of truth.

Anmol Mohan

Everyone is an influencer these days.

Everyone is trying to teach us something.

Everyone has an important piece of knowledge..

That they want to share with us..

To tell us what we didn’t know..

or what we were doing wrong.

The problem with knowledge is that..

Is character is competitive.

I cannot make you know something..

Without making you feel like a loser.

I have to point out the flaw or hole..

In your knowledge..

To make you accept mine.

That’s how I elevate myself..

To the level of influencer..

But the problem that nobody is ready to accept is..

I am also making you feel inferior.

Due to our influencer culture..

We are constantly surrounded by chatter..

That is making us feel bad about ourselves.

But thats not the truth, thats marketing.

The truth is that everyone of us..

Is probably doing a better job than we think.

At our worst, we are working hard..

To keep our family, our jobs and our lives intact.

That is no small feat.

A person to be able to run their lives..

Peacefully and helping others that we care about..

Is a wonderful achievement.

At our best, (and please entertain this thought for a second)..

We are being ourselves.

And that my friend..

Is the best thing that anyone can do in this world.

This world doesn’t need more knowledge.

We already have plenty of it..

And it is being created at a whopping rate.

This world needs originality.

The more you are yourself..

The more originality is produced..

And the more perspective we have..

And more likely we are to enjoy..

Our time here.

So I just want to tell all of you..

That you are ok.

That you are doing a good job.

That you are an amazing person.

Please enjoy this monumental achievement of being yourself..

That our society doesn’t seem to reward at the moment.

But some of us care.

Mental Strength

Anmol Mohan

I am just trying to make sense of this world. I am interested in the hardest puzzles like Consciousness, Humanity and Multiverse. Sharing my honest learning during this journey.