The Killer and how Vulnerability is a Weakness and Strength at the same time Members Public

Vulnerabilities expose our weaknesses. But also gives us strengths that are not possible to achieve through routines and structure.

Anmol Mohan
Movie Analysis

The hallmark of truth is consistency Members Public

Consistency of data keeps us moving towards truth whereas Contradictions mean we are moving away.

Anmol Mohan

7 Key Takeaways: The Lily of the Field and The Bird of the Air Members Public

"Unlike Shrewdness, Simplicity doesn't deceive, and thus, is never deceived." - Soren Kierkegaard

Anmol Mohan
Book Summary

Killers of The Flower Moon, The Truman Show, and finding a true connection Members Public

Finding a true connection is such a primitive desire of human beings, it can help us forgive extreme evils.

Anmol Mohan
Movie Analysis

The fallacy of Work-Life Balance Members Public

Most people see Work and Life as two distinct non-overlapping circles. This fallacy leads to a mediocre life and a lot of self-inflicted misery by denying ourselves the discovery of our potential.

Anmol Mohan
Mental Strength

Are all lies lies? Members Public

Everyone has a justification for the story that they are telling. Avoiding judgments can help us distinguish real stories from literal words.

Anmol Mohan

Going vs. Strolling Members Public

When we are going, we follow a set script and reject novelty. When we are strolling, we are open for surprises and possibilities.

Anmol Mohan

A case for flexibility and optimism Members Public

The human condition can never be 100% belief-free. It has some important conclusions about how we can live our lives happily.

Anmol Mohan
Mental Strength